Host Jekyll Website on GitHub
People have been asking me about this cool blogging website that I created a couple weeks ago.
Here, I will share with you on how I put up this website.
The truth is that I didn’t build the website from scratch. The entire scripts/codes for this website are written by Hydejack. Hydejack allows its users to use their creation for free with limited features. However, features such as resume builder, newsletter box, and project sorting are available for $59. For my blogging purpose, I’m going to stick with the free version for the website.
The website is a static site—the most basic type of website which delivers to the user exactly as stored; a static website is one that is usually written in plain HTML In contrast, A dynamic website is written using a server-side scripting language like PHP, ASP, JSP, or Coldfusion; one can create a dynamically interactive user interface with a dynamic web pages.
Jekyll is a static web pages generator for personal, project, or organization sites and it is written in Ruby. It’s great for bloggin purposes. Hydejack created a theme based on the Jekyll platform. You can find it here.
Nevertheless, you can find many beautiful Jekyll themes in Ruby Gem. If you click on one of the theme, there usually is a link to the homepage of the theme. Often, it will lead you to a Github page. On the Github page, you can find the installation guide. In the case of Hydejack, you can find their easy installation guide in this website.
Once you had created all the necessary scripts for a webpage, you must find a server to host it. A GitHub user is allowed to host their webpage on GitHub for free.
There you have it!
It’s easy to create a Jekyll website and host it on GitHub.
Now, you can customize your own static site by tweaking the config.yml file.
This will be a topic for another time!