Finite Deformation Kinematics

Let us assume that we have access to data (at quadrature points) that includes:

  • \sigma(t): the current Cauchy stress
  • q^*: state variables relevant to material state

As well as a constitutive model that provides a function

Review: Small Deformation Stress Update Procedure

For the case of small deformation, the update procedure is pretty straightforward, and the steps go something like this:


  • the current stress state, \mathbf{\sigma}(t)
  • a trial displacement increment, \hat{u}
  1. Compute the increment in the small strain tensor increment
    \hat{\varepsilon} = \frac{1}{2}(\nabla \hat{u} + (\nabla \hat{u})^\top)

  2. Pass \hat{\varepsilon} to the constitutive to update stress
    \sigma_{new} = \sigma(\sigma_{old}, \hat{\varepsilon})

The function \sigma(\cdot, \cdot) may be as simple as linear elasticity, or it might be more complicated to account for plasticity, hardening/softening, or damage effects. Regardless, if the displacements are small,

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